Bread Chum Chum is very quick and easy recipe. Basically Cham Cham takes such a long time for its preparation, so let’s make this easy recipe in just few minutes and impress your guests and family with this yummy sweets.

I will prepare this Bread Chum Chum for school of my son. It was tricolour dish for Independence Day.

When you want to make tricolour just add food colour in coconut powder and sugar syrup.



Bread slices 8

Rabdi ½ cup

Desiccated coconut 1 cup

Sugar syrup for deep

Dry fruits for you choice(optional)



Cut the bread slices in roundels with help of cookies cutter or any sharp steel bowl or steel glass.

Take a pan add 1 cup sugar and ½ cup water.


Just melt sugar cook 2 min. more sugar syrup and off the flame.

Take the round slice deep in sugar syrup and spread the rubdi or condence milk.

Take a plate keep coconut powder and coat bread slices properly.

Press gently with help of your palm all coated slices.

Keep in fridge for 1 hour and decorate with dry fruits (optional) and serve.

You can store this sweet for 7 days to 10 days.


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I am blog Author, I love my hard discipline. Writing and cooking is my passion. Love myself I do. I love that I have learned to trust people with my heart, even if it will get broken. I am proud of everything that I am and will become. My opinion is that cooking is the best hobby to have, because it can be very useful in life. There are so many reasons I love to cook, cooking is one of those things that just comes naturally for me, For example when I am cooking I have very little time to think, because the cooking is challenging my mind and taking my mind off the stress of everyday life. I love to cook is because it keeps me stress free.