Paneer sandwich
paneer sandwich recipe is very simple and easy to make. Paneer sandwich are very delicious and it is very good snacks with  tea or coffee.
Preparation Time-5 min.
Cooking Time- 10 min.
Serve-2 person
4 Bread
1 cup grated Paneer (Cottage Cheese)
1 Tomatoes
1 Onions
2 Green chilli
1/4 tsp Red chilli powder(as required)
Salt to taste
Butter as needed
Method for paneer sandwich-
·      Chop onions, chilli and tomatoes.
·      Mix the grated paneer with chopped vegetables, salt, red chilli powder and keep aside.
·      Take two bread slices and butter them, put some paneer mixture on one slice and cover it with other bread slice.
·      Put this in sandwich toaster until the bread turns crispy and brown.


·      Serve with ketchup and tea or coffee.

Paneer Sandwich


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I am blog Author, I love my hard discipline. Writing and cooking is my passion. Love myself I do. I love that I have learned to trust people with my heart, even if it will get broken. I am proud of everything that I am and will become. My opinion is that cooking is the best hobby to have, because it can be very useful in life. There are so many reasons I love to cook, cooking is one of those things that just comes naturally for me, For example when I am cooking I have very little time to think, because the cooking is challenging my mind and taking my mind off the stress of everyday life. I love to cook is because it keeps me stress free.